The top 20 quotes from the book "You Are Not So Smart"


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Mar 15, 2023
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Here are the top 20 quotes from the book "You Are Not So Smart":
  1. "We are all biased. No one is immune."
  2. "We are all irrational. We all make decisions based on emotion, not logic."
  3. "We are all gullible. We are easily fooled by scams and con artists."
  4. "We are all lazy. We all prefer to take the easy way out."
  5. "We are all prejudiced. We all judge people based on their appearance, not their character."
  6. "We are all self-serving. We all put our own interests ahead of the interests of others."
  7. "We are all susceptible to groupthink. We all tend to conform to the opinions of the people around us."
  8. "We are all susceptible to confirmation bias. We all tend to see what we want to see, and ignore evidence that contradicts our beliefs."
  9. "We are all susceptible to the availability heuristic. We all tend to judge the likelihood of something based on how easily examples of it come to mind."
  10. "We are all susceptible to the anchoring effect. We all tend to rely too heavily on the first information we are given."
  11. "We are all susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy. We all tend to continue investing in something, even when it is clear that it is a bad investment, because we have already invested so much time and money into it."
  12. "We are all susceptible to the bandwagon effect. We all tend to do things because other people are doing them."
  13. "We are all susceptible to the fear of missing out. We all tend to feel like we are missing out on something if we are not doing what everyone else is doing."
  14. "We are all susceptible to the illusion of control. We all tend to believe that we have more control over our lives than we actually do."
  15. "We are all susceptible to the illusion of transparency. We all tend to believe that other people can see right through us, even when they cannot."
  16. "We are all susceptible to the illusion of superiority. We all tend to believe that we are better than other people, even when we are not."
  17. "We are all susceptible to the illusion of morality. We all tend to believe that we are more moral than other people, even when we are not."
  18. "We are all susceptible to the illusion of progress. We all tend to believe that things are getting better, even when they are not."
  19. "We are all susceptible to the illusion of fairness. We all tend to believe that the world is a fair place, even when it is not."
  20. "We are all susceptible to the illusion of hope. We all tend to believe that things will get better, even when they will not."
These are just a few of the many ways in which we are all not so smart. By understanding these biases and fallacies, we can become more aware of them and make better decisions.