How to Open Navbar Links in New Tabs in Xenforo

How to Open Navbar Links in New Tabs in Xenforo Tutorial

Understanding the Task

When you click on a link within your Xenforo forum's navbar, typically the linked page replaces the current page. However, you might want to have certain links open in a new tab or window, allowing users to continue browsing your forum while viewing external content. This can be achieved by adding a specific attribute to the link's HTML code.

Steps Involved
  1. From Setup list menu (left sidebar), locate the Navigation options -> Public Navigation:
    • Access your navigation bar that you want to change.​
  2. Scroll to down till Extra Attribute:
    • Inside Name field, write "Target", add the attribute target="_blank". This attribute tells the browser to open the linked page in a new tab or window.​
Blank page - Xenforo.webp

Benefits of Opening Links in New Tabs:
  • Improved User Experience: Users can continue browsing your forum while viewing external content.​
  • Increased Engagement: Users are more likely to explore external links without leaving your forum.​
  • Flexibility: You can control which links open in new tabs based on your specific needs.​
By following these steps and understanding the underlying concepts, you can easily customize your Xenforo navbar to provide a more user-friendly experience.

Always back up your Xenforo installation before making any modifications to the templates.

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Translation of the Arabic instructions:

"Use the Navigation manager and edit the link. In the extra attributes, you need "target" with a value of "_blank"."

This instruction means that you can use Xenforo's built-in tool to modify links. When editing a link, you'll find a section for adding extra attributes. In this section, you need to add the attribute "target" and set its value to "_blank". This will make the link open in a new tab or window.​
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