Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Stripe's USDC Crypto Payments in Your Business


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Mar 15, 2023
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Stripe has introduced a beta feature that revolutionizes the way platforms can handle payments by enabling crypto payouts with USDC, a stablecoin designed for digital transactions. This innovative service, prioritizing Stripe payment methods, is tailor-made for beta users looking for a seamless integration to disburse payments to third parties through cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it broadens the horizons for payout flexibility across various countries, although it's currently not accessible to users in New York or Hawaii in the US.

With the introduction of this service, Stripe reaffirms its position at the forefront of financial technology, providing platforms with a robust infrastructure to leverage digital currencies for transactions. This move not only caters to platforms integrating Stripe payment solutions but also aligns with the growing demand for crypto payments among users of iPhone, Apple Pay, and Android devices through Google Pay. The expansion into crypto payouts with USDC reflects a strategic measure to embrace the future of payments while enhancing the usability of Stripe across major digital marketplaces like the App Store and Google Play.

Stripe's Journey with Cryptocurrency​

Evolution of Stripe's Crypto Engagements​

  1. Initial Adoption and Discontinuation
    Stripe's initial foray into cryptocurrency began in 2014 with Bitcoin but was halted in 2018 due to concerns over volatility and transaction efficiency. Despite this, the fintech giant revisited the crypto space, albeit cautiously, by engaging in the Libra project in 2019, though it soon withdrew.​
  2. Building Infrastructure and Partnerships
    Post-2018, Stripe did not completely exit the cryptocurrency scene. It focused on building robust APIs to facilitate fiat-to-crypto conversions and solidified partnerships with major crypto exchanges. This groundwork was crucial for its re-entry into the market.​
  3. Re-Entry with USDC and Enhanced Services
    By 2021, Stripe was rebuilding its crypto engineering team, signaling a renewed focus on cryptocurrency. This culminated in the 2022 partnership with X (formerly Twitter) to enable USDC payments on the Polygon network and the announcement of supporting USDC transactions directly in business operations starting in the summer of 2024.​
  4. Current Focus and Future Prospects
    Stripe now aims to enhance user experience by offering stablecoin transactions, specifically USDC, across Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon platforms. This move aligns with the broader industry trend towards stablecoins due to their reduced volatility and efficient transaction capabilities.​

By integrating these strategic shifts and developments, Stripe continues to adapt its services to meet the evolving demands of the digital payment landscape.

Why Choose USDC Stablecoin?​

Stability and Efficiency​

  1. Stable Value: USDC is pegged to the U.S. dollar, providing a stable value that protects against the volatility typical of other cryptocurrencies.​
  2. Transaction Efficiency: Transactions with USDC are not only faster but also more cost-effective compared to traditional banking systems, making it ideal for both domestic and international transactions.​

Transparency and Compliance​

  • Regular Audits: USDC undergoes regular audits ensuring transparency which builds user trust.​
  • Regulatory Compliance: Being regulated by trusted financial institutions, USDC adheres to strict compliance standards, further enhancing its reliability for users.​

Broad Usability Across Markets​

  • Global Contractors: USDC simplifies payments for global contractors by offering faster transactions and lower fees, which is crucial for international business operations.​
  • Diverse Use Cases: From cross-border payments to decentralized finance, USDC's utility spans various financial applications.​

Security and Network Strength​

  • Robust Security: Built on secure blockchain technology, USDC ensures strong encryption and privacy for its users.​
  • Widespread Adoption: A large network of users and support on multiple blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, and TRON enhances USDC's liquidity and usability.​

Financial Advantages​

  • Inflation Hedge: USDC can serve as a hedge against inflation, maintaining purchasing power as it is fully backed by U.S.-regulated reserve assets.​
  • Interest Earnings: Investors have the opportunity to earn interest by staking USDC, providing an additional financial benefit.​

Strategic Integration​

  • Stripe Support: Stripe's integration of USDC on platforms like Solana, Ethereum, and Polygon showcases the stablecoin's broad compatibility and readiness for mainstream adoption.​

Technological Infrastructure​

Stripe's technological infrastructure is robustly designed to support the evolving demands of digital payments, including the integration of cryptocurrencies like USDC. Here's a detailed look at how Stripe's infrastructure supports these advancements:

Global Payment Solutions​

Stripe offers a comprehensive suite of payment solutions that cater to various business needs. This includes handling global payments with features like fraud prevention and authorization optimization. The platform supports over 100 global payment methods and provides an accelerated checkout experience through Link.

Embedded Payments and Finance​

For platforms looking to integrate payments and monetize financial services, Stripe provides essential tools. These include Connect for platform payments, Treasury for financial accounts, Capital for customer financing, and Issuing for creating physical and virtual cards.

Revenue and Finance Automation​

Stripe's capabilities extend to subscription management, accounting automation, sales tax & VAT automation, online invoices, custom reports, and data warehouse synchronization. These features streamline the financial operations of businesses, enhancing efficiency and compliance.

Crypto Integration and Compliance​

The reintroduction of crypto payments by Stripe is supported by significant technological advancements in transaction speed and cost-efficiency, making cryptocurrencies a viable option for online transactions. Stripe's fiat-to-crypto onramp facilitates quick top-ups for crypto wallets across various chains, with support for card payments or instant bank transfers. Additionally, Stripe handles all regulatory requirements, including KYC verifications and sanctions screening, thus ensuring compliance and security for its users.

Fiat-to-Crypto Onramps​

Stripe has developed APIs in conjunction with cryptocurrency exchanges to create fiat-to-crypto onramps. This allows U.S. customers to handle conversion and compliance obligations efficiently. Stripe acts as the merchant of record for these transactions, taking full liability for all fraud and disputes.

By leveraging these technological advancements, Stripe not only enhances its payment processing capabilities but also aligns itself with the future of digital transactions, supporting businesses of all sizes and types, from startups to large enterprises and across various models like e-commerce, SaaS and marketplaces.

The Shift Back to Crypto​

Reintroduction of Cryptocurrency Payments​

  1. Revival of Cryptocurrency Services: After a six-year hiatus following the discontinuation of Bitcoin due to its inefficiencies, Stripe is making a significant return to the cryptocurrency payment space by introducing services that allow businesses to accept payments in USDC stablecoins, which are set to launch this summer.​
  2. Stablecoin Focus: Unlike the volatile nature of Bitcoin, Stripe is now focusing on stablecoins like USDC, which are pegged to stable assets like the US dollar. This approach aims to minimize the risk of sharp fluctuations, making it a more attractive option for merchants.​
  3. Enhanced Transaction Efficiency: The new cryptocurrency payment system promises instant on-chain settlement of transactions and automatic conversion to fiat, which significantly improves transaction speed and reduces costs.​
  4. Expanded Network Support: Initially, the USDC transactions will be supported on major blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon, reflecting Stripe's commitment to broadening its crypto payment infrastructure.​
  5. Learning from Past Experiences: Stripe has taken lessons from its previous venture with Bitcoin, focusing on creating a more stable and user-friendly payment experience with stablecoins. This shift is supported by the improved transaction settlements, which are now faster and less costly.​
  6. Global Stablecoin Payments: With its re-entry into the cryptocurrency market, Stripe is not just revisiting past strategies but is enhancing its approach by integrating global stablecoin payments into its system, starting with USDC on prominent blockchain platforms.​

By strategically reintegrating cryptocurrency into its payment systems, Stripe is positioning itself to leverage the growing acceptance and stability of digital currencies in mainstream financial operations.

Why USDC Stablecoin?​

Stability and Regulatory Assurance​

  1. Regulated and Fully Reserved: USDC is not just another cryptocurrency; it is a fully reserved US dollar stablecoin, regulated to ensure transparency and reliability in digital transactions.​
  2. Multi-Chain Support: Beyond stability, USDC operates across multiple blockchain platforms, enhancing its accessibility and utility in the crypto ecosystem.​

Broad Utility and Global Reach​

  • Versatile Applications: USDC is pivotal in solutions for cross-border payments and global dollar access, significantly reducing risk through its regulated framework.​
  • Wide Adoption: Available in over 190 countries and held in nearly 3 million on-chain wallets, USDC's broad adoption underscores its effectiveness and trustworthiness in the financial market.​

Significant Market Impact​

  • High Transaction Volume: Since its inception in 2018, USDC has been used to settle approximately $12 trillion in blockchain transactions, highlighting its major role in digital finance.​
  • Market Resilience: In April, stablecoins like USDC saw a 4.76% surge, reaching a market cap of $158 billion, demonstrating their potential as safe havens during market volatility.​

Preference for Crypto Payments​

  • Dominance in Stablecoins: USDC, along with USDT, accounts for a significant share of crypto payments, preferred for their liquidity, compatibility, speed, efficiency, and stability.​

Future of Payments​

Expanding Global Reach and Efficiency​

Stripe's integration of USDC crypto payments is revolutionizing how businesses handle transactions, aiming to empower users by facilitating global transactions with easy, fast, and secure payment options. This strategic move is designed to enhance the reach of merchants and offer a seamless payment experience, making digital transactions more accessible and efficient for both merchants and customers.

Simplifying Crypto Payouts​

Stripe Express now supports crypto payouts, starting with USDC, which allows platforms to pay out in crypto without managing crypto themselves. This system handles all compliance requirements and generates necessary tax forms for recipients, simplifying the process for users. For U.S. recipients, these payouts are reported on Form 1099, similar to U.S. dollar payouts, ensuring compliance with local tax regulations.

Integration and Accessibility​

Supported countries for Stripe's crypto payouts include the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, among others, although they are not available in New York and Hawaii due to regional regulations. To utilize crypto payouts, platforms must activate this feature in the U.S., and recipients must be individuals or sole proprietors using the Transfers API within the integration.

Technical Infrastructure​

Stripe Express processes USDC payouts over the Polygon Network, an Ethereum-compatible crypto network. Users can link a crypto wallet and set their default currency to USDC using the Express Dashboard, enhancing the ease of managing crypto transactions. For moving USDC between the Polygon and Ethereum networks, the official Polygon Bridge is used, maintaining the security and efficiency of transactions.

User Empowerment Through Technology​

By choosing to earn in crypto, users benefit from faster payments and easier management of their cryptocurrencies. This feature not only supports the current financial ecosystem but also aligns with future advancements in digital payments.

Integration Across Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon​

Supported Blockchain Networks​

Stripe's integration of USDC payments spans several significant blockchain platforms, ensuring wide accessibility and flexibility for users. Here's how Stripe leverages these networks:​
  1. Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon Support
    Stripe will support USDC transactions on these leading blockchains, enhancing the scope of crypto payments across diverse technological ecosystems.​
  2. Stripe Express and Polygon Network
    Utilizing the Polygon Network, an Ethereum-compatible blockchain, Stripe Express facilitates efficient USDC payouts, ensuring seamless transaction experiences for users.​
  3. Compatibility with Ethereum Wallets
    Most Ethereum wallets are compatible with Stripe Express, though users need to activate the Polygon Network to manage USDC transactions effectively.​
  4. Utilizing the Polygon Bridge
    The Polygon Bridge serves as a critical tool for transferring USDC between Ethereum and Polygon, providing flexibility in managing assets across blockchains.​
  5. Wallet Setup with MetaMask
    Users can set up their wallets using services like MetaMask, configuring them to operate over the Polygon Network, thus integrating with Stripe’s payment infrastructure.​
  6. API Integration
    Developers can integrate Stripe USDC payments on these blockchains using Stripe’s robust API, which simplifies the incorporation of crypto payments into various platforms.​

Through these strategic integrations, Stripe not only broadens its payment system's capabilities but also aligns with the evolving needs of modern digital transactions.​


Through the strategic expansion into USDC crypto payments, Stripe not only demonstrates its adaptability within the fintech sector but also sets a precedent for how businesses can enhance their payment infrastructures. By embracing stablecoins like USDC, Stripe addresses the demands of a rapidly evolving digital economy, offering secure, efficient, and globally accessible payment solutions. This initiative underscores the significance of blockchain technology and stablecoins in achieving a more inclusive and flexible financial ecosystem, leveraging advancements to foster growth and innovation across various sectors.

The broader implications of Stripe's move extend beyond immediate financial transactions; they signal a shift towards a future where transactions are increasingly digital and borderless. Platforms keen on staying ahead in the digital payment space can explore opportunities and insights at, positioning themselves advantageously in a competitive market. As Stripe continues to lead with its USDC integration, it encourages further research, development, and adoption of cryptocurrency solutions, marking a significant step forward for businesses and the fintech industry at large.


1. How can I start accepting cryptocurrency payments in my business? To begin accepting cryptocurrency and Bitcoin payments, you first need to create a cryptocurrency account, which could be a wallet or a payment gateway. Then, integrate this system into your business's online payment process. For physical transactions, you can use a QR code scanner that is compatible with cryptocurrency transactions.

2. Isupported by Stripe for payments? Yes, Stripe supports USDC for payments. Although Stripe discontinued Bitcoin payments in 2018, they recently announced that they would accept USDC stablecoin payments. This support extends to transactions on the Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon blockchains.

3. Does Stripe facilitate transactions in cryptocurrency? Stripe Express does facilitate transactions in cryptocurrency, specifically through crypto payouts in USDC. USDC is a digital stablecoin that maintains a value equivalent to the United States dollar (USD).

4. What are the steps to implement a cryptocurrency payment gateway? Implementing a cryptocurrency payment gateway involves several essential steps:​
  • Assemble a development team.​
  • Design the user interface.​
  • Integrate blockchain technology.​
  • Implement smart contracts.​
  • Develop a wallet system.​
  • Ensure robust security measures are in place.​
  • Create an administrative panel. These steps collectively help in setting up a functional and secure crypto payment gateway.​