1. WriteTrendy

    The Trend of Mixed Metals

    The trend of mixing metals is still going strong in 2023. Mixing and matching different metals, including gold, silver, and rose gold, allows you to create personalized and unique looks. This trend is a great way to add a touch of individuality to your style. What is Mixed Metal Jewelry? Mixed...
  2. WriteTrendy

    5 different paths to becoming a professional designer

    There are many different paths to becoming a professional designer. Here are five of the most common: Get a formal design education. This is the most traditional path to becoming a designer. A degree in graphic design or a related field will teach you the fundamentals of design, as well as the...
  3. WriteTrendy

    Google Trends

    Q: How can I know the trend world live searched by Google? Google provides a free tool called "Google Trends" that allows you to see the popularity of search terms over time. Here's how to use Google Trends to see the trending topics in the world: Go to the Google Trends website...
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