1. WriteTrendy

    The Secret History of the Google Logo

    The Secret History of the Google Logo The Google logo is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. But did you know that it has a secret history? The logo was first designed in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They used the free graphics program GIMP to create a simple, colorful logo...
  2. WriteTrendy

    5 different paths to becoming a professional designer

    There are many different paths to becoming a professional designer. Here are five of the most common: Get a formal design education. This is the most traditional path to becoming a designer. A degree in graphic design or a related field will teach you the fundamentals of design, as well as the...
  3. WriteTrendy

    12 Excellent Font Pairing Tools For Designers

    12 Excellent Font Pairing Tools For Designers Choosing the right font pairing is essential for creating visually appealing designs. It can be challenging to find the perfect combination of fonts that complement each other and enhance the overall aesthetic of your design. Fortunately, there are...
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